
Meetup Solid Amsterdam
Donderdag, 30 Januari 2020, 14:00 - 17:00
door Hans van Bragt

2nd Solid Amsterdam Meetup – January 30th, 2020

Organized by: Jeroen van Beele
Date: Thursday January 30th, 2020
Time: 14:00 - 17:00 hours
Location: VU Amsterdam HG-07A16 (38/19T)
Registration: Registration form


14:00 Jeroen van Beele - Welcome
14:15 Tom Haegemans - Capturing the value of Solid: Actors, business models and lessons learned
Deike Schulz - Front end user commitment as a critical success factor for Solid: Don't make me think?
Jeroen de Boer - titel tba
Wikimedia - speaker tba - title tba


The theme of this second SOLID Amsterdam meetup at the VU is: business models and governance. We are happy to announce speakers linking to this theme from several different backgrounds. We start with Tom Haegemans from digita. Next is Deike Schulz, Associate lector Organizations & Social Media at NHL-Stenden University of Applied Sciences. Then Jeroen de Boer from Fers (voorheen Bibliotheekservice Fryslân) will share his experiences. The dutch Wikimedia chapter will also present their experience with the matter.

This second Solid Amsterdam Meetup again is organized by Jeroen van Beele, with support from the Solid Project organization, Platform Linked Data Netherlands (PLDN), Triply and the VU Amsterdam.

The first Solid Amsterdam Meetup was organized on Thursday October 10. This session focused upon a wide range of Solid development aspects in detail to give web developers a better understanding on what is needed to develop Solid apps using the right Solid authentication and authorization mechanisms and the right read and write statements to Personal Operational Data Stores (Pods) with the Solid standards, tooling en best practices that are currently available. A summary of this session can be found on the following Solid Amsterdam Session Summary page.

In our discussions after the first Solid Amsterdam Meetup, we got a better idea of what other non-technical Solid topics the session participants have an interest in. Topics like the governance aspects around Solid and also the possible business and revenue models we see when we look at possible Solid use cases. Our expectation is that these business and revenue models will be much different from the current traditional models, starting with the user and decent and social humanity in mind. We are still working on the details of this second session. We will update this page as soon as we have more details on this session available.

More information on Solid

Sir Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web) already pointed out: The Web is broken, but he has a plan to fix it. It’s called Solid. Solid is an exciting new project led by Prof. Tim Berners-Lee taking place at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The project aims to radically change the way Web applications work today, resulting in true data ownership as well as improved privacy.

Within Solid, decentralization means choice: being able to choose where you store your data, independently of the services you want on top of that data. On today’s Web, applications happily take our data in exchange for functionality, but we lose control over what happens to it. Moreover, because data is coupled to the service, we cannot share data across social network boundaries. In Solid, you instead remain the data owner: you decide for every single piece of data you produce where you want to store it. Applications can request permission to specific parts of people’s data, which they combine at runtime into a personal experience.


Locatie  VU Amsterdam HG-07A16 (38/19T)