Forthcode is into IoT Based IT modernisation
We have expertise in the developing end to end solutions in IoT space.....
We have expertise in the developing end to end solutions in IoT space.....
Forthcode is into IoT Based IT modernisation. We have expertise in the developing end to end solutions in IoT space.
One of the marque project we have completed is an IoT based smart city solution implementation for Eindhoven city council.
We are 25+ team with expertise in Java Script full stack, iOS and Android in addition to the open source smart city platform.
We have a presence in both Netherlands and India.
T: +31 (0)6 33 50 33 55
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W: www.forthcode.com
One of the marque project we have completed is an IoT based smart city solution implementation for Eindhoven city council.
We are 25+ team with expertise in Java Script full stack, iOS and Android in addition to the open source smart city platform.
We have a presence in both Netherlands and India.
T: +31 (0)6 33 50 33 55
E: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
W: www.forthcode.com